DIY Beauty Treatments
Most of us would rather go to the salon to get pampered, but if you’re short on time or money then these quick-fix solutions may be just what you need…
-Problem: Dry hair
Treatment: An avocado hair mask. Thanks to its high fat and protein content, avocado is very nourishing and just the thing for taming frizz
What you need: 1/2 a ripe peeled avocado, 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of wheat germ oil. (You can substitute wheat germ oil for olive or castor oil.)
Mash the avocado in a bowl until smooth and then add the egg and oil. Blend well.
Massage the mixture into dry hair, starting from the ends up. Once applied, cover your head with a shower cap or small plastic bag, grab a mag and sit tight for 30 mins. Rinse thoroughly and shampoo out.
(Note: You can increase the conditioning benefits by wrapping a warm, moist towel around your head while you wait.)
Use: For dry and damaged hair, once a week will help get it back on track. If it’s normal to oily, twice a month is recommended.
-Problem: Dry patches on knees, elbows and feet
Treatment: A coffee, sugar and vanilla scrub. Coffee has strong antioxidant properties so it’s a good choice for the rougher skin on your body, while sugar works as a light manual exfoliator to smooth skin. Vanilla extract adds a soothing scent for at-home aromatherapy.
What you need: 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1 tsp of vanilla extract (non-artificial is best), 1/2 cup of fresh coffee grinds and 1 cup of sugar.
In a small glass or bowl combine the olive oil and vanilla extract. In a separate medium bowl or plastic container, mix the coffee grinds (use them within 20 minutes of brewing for maximum benefits) with sugar. Add the mixtures together, blending into thick paste.
In the shower, let skin soften under warm water for 5-10 minutes. Scoop out a small handful of the scrub and massage it in circular motions from your limbs to your heart to increase circulation. Rinse and follow with a gentle shower gel to remove excess residue.
(Note: Do not use this scrub on your face or on any broken or sensitive skin.)
Use: Once a week is best for regular skin. If your skin is quite dry and bumpy, twice a week is recommended.
-Problem: Dry skin
Treatment: A honey-yogurt mask to rejuvenate parched skin. The lactic acid in yogurt gently exfoliates, while honey helps draw moisture to the skin.
What you need: 1 tsp yeast, 1/4 cup of plain yogurt and 3 tablespoons of honey.
In a small bowl, mix all ingredients with a spoon until well blended.
Before applying the mixture, prep skin with a warm, damp cloth for a few minutes. Smooth the mixture on skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
(Note: Putting these leftovers in an airtight container will keep them fresh for up to 48 hours.)
Use: Once a week.